Putting on my celebration crown!
It’s that time again! I know, I’ve kind of procrastinated with putting this up as my birthday is in 11 days (May 25, yo) but I figured better late than never. I have a myriad of options here ranging from practical, splurge, and over the top ridiculous but I’ve always heard that if you never ask nobody will know what you want.
Car detailing Package- This is something I’ve been needing for a while and putting off. As you know, I spend a lot of time zipping around New England in my little car. I just replaced the brakes and got new tires but what it needs is a nice detailing. I don’t have a specific place to get it done, so suggestions are welcome.
Donations to the Duke Lemur Center or HIPS - These are two charities that are very near and dear to me. Lemurs are my favorite animals and HIPS has done so much for the SW community in DC and the people who run it are amazing.
Stuff for my business- So this is a kind of nebulous label but if you have consumed ANY of my online content and want it to get better (I know, I’m still a total amateur newb) things like transition packs for Adobe Premiere Or Lenses (option 1 and option 2 ) or lighting would be a total boon and are things that I’ve been considering buying for myself.
Giftcard to Cosmo Nails - One thing that has really been suffering during this quarantine are my feet. They will definitely need some TLC once we are on the other side of this.
Etsy Gift Cards- Etsy is dangerous. There is all sorts of crap on there that I want and I often legitimize my purchases by saying I’m supporting artists. I’ve done a pretty good job at curbing my etsy habit but there are a few items on there I’d like to get my hands on for upcoming cosplays.
5 and Diamond Gift cards- I don’t have some long, drawn-out explanation for this other than there are a couple of leather goods I’ve been eying on this site for a minute.
Asos Gift Cards- Have you looked at the shoes here? I have been looking at them A LOT. They have so many affordable and chic styles and one can not subsist on louboutin alone.
Prusa MK 3-Ok, so if you’ve been following me for any deal of time you KNOW I’ve been wanting a 3d printer for ages. My twitter is full of “wah wah wah I need a 3d printing daddy”. I’m not exactly expecting to get it from one individual, I know it’s pricey. Although if I did, I’d have to show them how grateful I am in person. 😇
Another boob job A girl can dream right? I’ve had numerous discussions with plenty of you how I want even bigger boobs, and while some of you are not having it I KNOW some of you are just as turned on by that thought as I am.
Or just look at my amazon wishlist!-I know it’s not full of super sexy stuff (unfortunately neither Perifit nor Bad Dragon have products on Amazon) but they are full of things I genuinely want or need. If you don’t want to support the Bezos-beast, feel free to look at the aforementioned options.
Thanks for reading and I hope that life during “The Pause” hasn’t been too bad for you. I really appreciate those of you who have reached out to me during this time and I hope to see your sexy faces (and other parts) soon. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out <3